70% of monthly traffic to milkadamia.com comes from mobile. That's a lot of people looking for the skinny on plant-based, keto-friendly deliciously non-dairy milk, creamers, and butter--not to mention the powerful earth-forward content the company is famous for. More than just another mobile design emergency, this one had a larger purpose. The goal for us was to be mobile forward while allowing people to find what they need and learn more about what drives us – making moo moot and working to fix the eco-quagmire we find ourselves in.
The answer involved building a new site from the hand-and-swiping-finger up as we began with the mobile user in mind. The homepage needed to flow as smooth and creamy as the delicious milkadamia products. The content from the eloquent pen of their CEO, needed to be featured prominently on the homepage. Home cooks looking for non-dairy recipes needed the goods in a kitchen-friendly format. The site is fast. Products are easy to explore. Stores are easy to find. The brand mission is clear.
User Experience Design
Web Design
Web Development

Data is only as good as the dissection. We knew what pages folks frequented. We needed to expand and explore how to create the aesthetics and info hierarchy to deliver the right sequence. Iterative designs were informed by on-site analytics. User insights were collected from the years of building great products. Importantly--to the project and our own work ethic--we partnered directly with our client in a collaborative tool called figma to develop wireframes, revise images, edit copy and test with key Stakeholders, often all in the files at the same time while having a Zoom meeting and sneaking in a dairy-free latte.

The new mobile-first site has quickly and deliciously resolved a long-standing pain point for the company and its customers. All design, nav and structural elements were carried over to the desktop, of course. Also cool--and efficient--is that the mobile design explorations drove the creation of a new design system that is elevating new work moving forward.
John Geletka, Anne Wagner, Jeff Walker, Sabrina Siegel and Richard O'Donnell collaborated with milkadamia's leadership team including Christina Downey, Jim Richards and Kristian Vazquez as well as If Not Now Creative to deliver a best-in-class experience that we can manage and evolve as we learn more about the users.